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Juliaapyp Juliaapyp avatar

Juliaapyp Juliaapyp

Virginia, Iceland


04/28/2024 0
Juliaapyp Juliaapyp avatar
Juliaapyp Juliaapyp 04/28/2024 23:38:24
Good afternoon <a href=https://americanveterannewspaper.org/>.</a>
I've found your forum to be very engaging and promising.
I wish to purchase an advertising spot for a banner at the top of your site, at $500 per month.
Payment will be made through WebMoney, 50% upfront, and the remaining 50% in two weeks. Also, is the address of my portal https://whenisholiday.com/  compatible with your theme? Thank you!
Kindly respond about your decision to me via PM or email at juliaallbestrobertss@gmail.com
04/22/2024 0
Juliaapyp Juliaapyp avatar
Juliaapyp Juliaapyp 04/22/2024 00:16:19
Is a moderator available to assist with my password change?
Where might I be erring?
Your assistance is required.
With regards.
04/17/2024 0
Juliaapyp Juliaapyp avatar
Juliaapyp Juliaapyp 04/17/2024 23:38:38
Unable to post a reply in an existing topic, what are my options??
Could it be that my writing approach is not correct?
Your guidance is needed.
Thanks a lot.
04/13/2024 0
Juliaapyp Juliaapyp avatar
Juliaapyp Juliaapyp 04/13/2024 20:51:59
Is any moderator available?
I'm having trouble posting in the topic.
Kind regards.
04/07/2024 0
Juliaapyp Juliaapyp avatar
Juliaapyp Juliaapyp 04/07/2024 10:58:06
Where can I find the administration?
This matter is crucial.

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